With the beginning of industrialization, environmental pollution reached a new dimension. In the course of the history of human development, most people paid little attention to their environment. Some animals were hunted until they became extinct. When the cultivated soil was empty, the farmers moved on and cleared new land for cultivation. Whole tracts of land were cleared for timber and firewood. Untreated sewage was discharged into rivers and seas, chemicals polluted the waters for generations. A huge environmental problem that did not arise with industrialization was air pollution. The so-called flue gas, which was emitted during work in a metallurgical, machine-building or copper plant, caused damage to the surrounding trees. Let’s find out how a new jeep factory turned into a civil rights fight!
In addition, the emissions polluted the breathing air in areas of the city. When a new Jeep factory opened, it was found that the waste from the factory pollutes the environment and damages human health. At the enterprises of the industry, there continues to be a large volume of discharges of polluted wastewater into water bodies, which contain chemicals: sulfates, chlorides, iron compounds, heavy metals. These discharges are so large that they turn rivers and reservoirs in their places into filthy. Because of this, people began to come out with mass protests for the Jeep factory to change its policy in favor of protecting nature.
Important Info
Modern mechanical engineering is developing on the basis of large production associations, including blanking and forging and pressing shops, shops for thermal and mechanical processing of metals, coating shops, and in some cases large-scale foundry production. The enterprises also include testing stations and auxiliary units. In the process of manufacturing machinery and equipment, welding, machining of metals, processing of non-metallic materials, paint and varnish operations are widely used. The concentration of harmful substances in ventilation emissions is usually low, but the volumes of ventilation air are large, so the gross amount of harmful substances entering the atmosphere significant. Emissions are produced not a full day and with variable intensity, but due to the low height of their emission, dispersal and, as a rule, poor purification, they greatly pollute the air on the territory of enterprises. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air contain oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, dust, chromium, ammonia, formaldehyde, phenol, cyanides and more than 30 substances. An important problem in the work of machine-building enterprises is the pollution of water resources. This is due, firstly, to wastewater, which contains various heavy metals, oil products and other components. Significant volumes of waste generated also characterize the industry, most of which is not reused.
Our Environment

Environmental law refers to a set of legal norms aimed at protecting the natural environment and maintaining the functionality of ecosystems. Currently, more and more states are thinking about the legal regulation of environmental protection. From office to trade to industry and management: environmental and climate protection now play an important role in many jobs, not just in classic environmental jobs. That is, why the skills for sustainable action are becoming increasingly important in training. However, how does everyday life in “completely normal” jobs relate to environmental and climate protection? What skills are required for sustainable action in the workplace? Climate and environmental protection aspects are now part or goal of almost all modern professions: On the one hand, there are more professions in “green” sectors such as renewable energies or ecological agriculture and forestry, and on the other hand, these aspects are also being more closely integrated into other sectors. Many companies from different areas have defined ecological standards and they take care of operational environmental protection. If a company considers ecological sustainability issues in its business processes, this can be recognized, for example, by the fact that it sets up a position for climate protection management, trains employees accordingly or offers environmental advice for customers.
The Current Way of Doing Business Affects Our Prosperity

The ecological limits for the carrying capacity of the planet have already been exceeded in some areas. Any transgression endangers the livelihoods of mankind. Resources needed for the production of goods are becoming scarce. This not only destroys important CO2 sinks and further drives global warming, but also affects the entire biosphere. Ecological limits must be respected so that all people, including future generations, have the chance to meet their needs. Therefore, a fundamentally sustainable way of doing business is necessary. Development is considered to be sustainable if it is permanently ecologically compatible, socially just and economically efficient. Sustainable action not only affects the economy, but all areas of life, which is why a transformation of society as a whole is necessary. In order for this great change to succeed, everyone must be able to make decisions and act accordingly in their areas of life and work. It is not enough to become only active in sectors that are considered “green”.
The laws of the country protect natural resources. To prevent environmental pollution, the law provides for property, disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability. An enterprise that violates the law on environmental protection is subject to financial punishment, up to and including the suspension of activities. Bringing to administrative or disciplinary responsibility will not release an individual, legal entity from criminal or material punishment. The damage is calculated according to the costs necessary to restore the consequences of the harm caused.
Bottom Line
In order to cope with industrial pollution, enterprises must control their own activities. The governing bodies of factories should pay attention to waste – their collection, disposal. To reduce the level of pollution, it will be necessary to create technologies that will reduce the impact of enterprises on the atmosphere and humans. Each organization has its own set of activities. Its content depends on the type of production, technical characteristics, equipment used, financial capabilities. Factories should have instructions for waste management, emission reduction. Pollution of the environment by waste products from industrial enterprises is a global environmental problem. Industrial waste negatively affects nature and humans. To change the situation, the work of organizations for the collection and processing of waste should be established.